Looking for a job???

Head to the Job Search page and learn about employment opportunities in your area!

Need to build your resume???

Visit the Volunteer page for great volunteer ideas, click on the volunteer links in the navigation bar above!

Want to learn more about college and career options???

Head to CollegeInColorado.org to learn about your career interest areas, and the education that you'll need to pursue your dream job!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Job Hunting

Some of you have been looking for a job for a while now, and it's been difficult to actually land one - but there are things that you can do to improve your chances. Come in to room 126 (West High School) to see Lance, and he'll hook you up with several job hunting tips. And be sure to keep an eye on the Goodwill Job Blog @ http://www.goodwillrocks.blogspot.com