I often hear people say that you should always call after you send your resume to ask if it was received, to build rapport and get noticed; this post recommends that you follow up once a week for a month before moving on (which is a lot, I think). On the other side of the argument, HR expert Susan Heathfield calls these phone calls ‘Fishing for attention’ calls and resents this waste of her time, saying this is a way of making a very bad impression.
There’s lots of conflicting answers about follow up calls, but I didn’t realise what a contentious issue it was until I read
We understand that sometimes you just desperately want to know the progress of your job search. As such, we’ve got ten do’s and don’ts about calling to chase up your job application.
Get the ten do's and don'ts at: http://www.10collective.com.au/calling-your-potential-employer-10-dos-and-donts/#sthash.3tceMJb9.dpuf